Friday, August 9, 2013

Nephews and Nieces

I’ve been babysitting my little nephew, Sébastien, for the past week.  My brother had to work last minute and his girlfriend new shift is 8 to 5. Oh how I love this little one.  Well, he’s not that little anymore. He is 3.8 years old. We are having a blast! The kids get along so well. I love that my brother lives close and we can see each other when we want to.
I am from, what you would call, a “broken home” or a “blended family”.   I have a total of 10 nephews and nieces, with two more in the making.  I honestly think that they are all precious. I love them all to pieces. They bring a lot of life in family reunions. It does bring me back to when we were young and running around with my cousins. As of now, the nephews outnumber the nieces.

Francis (my sister’s Husband son)-17yo
Chase (my brother’s)-4yo
Sebastien (my brother’s)-3.8yo
Brandon (Husband sister’s)-2.3 yo
Abygail (Husband sister’s)-9 months
Samuel (Husband brother’s)-1.3yo
Hugo (stepsister’s)-2.5 yo
Maelle (stepbrother’s daughter)-3yo
Noah (stepbrother’s)-11 months
Amely (my BFF’s daughter)-18 months

My brother’s girlfriend is expecting a little girl, Ellie (said in French) for the end of this month.  My husband brother’s wife is expecting a baby for December.  We will have to wait for the birth to know the sex of this one.  They want to keep it a surprise.


How many nephews and nieces do you have? Are you close to them? One more than the other?




  1. I have 5 :) ranging from almsot 2 to 20!! I'm only 27 lol so it can be interesting have them quite that old!

    1. That is quite a range! I'm sure it an be interesting. Two of my cousins (twin) are 2 years older then my youngest aunt on my dad side. They would always tease her and called her "ma tante" (Aunty) in high school. She hated it! lol

  2. That's a lot of nieces and nephews! I have none which makes my Christmas shopping pretty easy. Great post!

    1. Oh don't talk about Christmas shopping! It could get expensive! On my side, we only buy gifts for the kids now. ON my husband side we picks name between the adults. Then buy for the kids. We have now put a limits to $20-$25 each as there's too many now! Then add the gas for travelling and my girls. Yep Christmas is expensive! That why we have already started our gifts ;)

  3. I don't have any yet :( I only have one sister (who doesn't have any children) and my hubby is an only child. I DO have TONS of cousins, though!!!

    Kristen from The Road to Domestication

    1. Hopefully you will some day ;) If not, there is always your close friends children ;)

  4. I bet Christmas is a blast!!! :)

    Life With Lorelai

    1. Oh it is! Especially on my side of the family as the kids are older. :) Let just say that with kids the Christmas Magic is felt all over ;)

  5. I have 9 nephews and nieces so far, Only two of them boys. We need more boys in the family!!

    1. And I say we need more girls haha

      All 3 sides (my parents have been separed for about 24 years now) laugh because it comes to about the same ratio boys/girls, but 2 of the girls are mine ;) So that only give me 2 nieces lol

  6. I only have 2 brothers with no sisters but I do have 2 nephews and 4 nieces. I do wish I had a sister though and younger nieces and nephews. My youngest niece is 12years old. Sounds like you have a great family. I wonder what the surprise baby will be. :)

    1. I have one of each. They are both younger. I'm very close to both of them. My sister and I are only 15 months apart. We DO have a great family :) I also can't wait to see what the surprise baby will be ;)

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